Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss USA and Perez Hilton

This is way off topic as Miss USA and Perez Hilton have nothing to do with me or my site and I really don't pay attention to this stuff. However, I saw Perez Hilton on Larry King last night and found out about the Miss USA issue. It made me really angry.

It is my understanding that we as a society recognized that women should be more than their appearance, have valid opinions and possess free thought. Now, on a beauty pageant, a "scandal" erupts because the pretty girl dares have her own opinion! As far as I'm concerned the issue is not what she said as much as her being raked over the coals for expressing her views. If Miss USA cannot espouse the fundamental American value of free speech what does she represent? I understand the response is "she doesn't believe in equal rights" etc but the majority of people in her home state of California voted against that as well. Regardless of your position on an issue, everyone needs to accept that people will disagree with you. If we as a society cannot accept people holding dissenting opinions we have a much larger problem.


Anonymous said...

I agree- we have freedom of speech and also freedom of opinion, no matter how incomprehensible that opinion might be! However, try to tell a man and a wife that they are not legally allowed to get a divorce and see where that takes us.

Toxic World Blog said...

The divorce point is funny and valid. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Nomad said...

Perez Hilton makes a living off of destroying other people. He's a social parasite. For him, maligning Miss California is simply business as usual.

Toxic World Blog said...

I couldn't agree more.