Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What if we could live 1000 years?!?!

If we could live 1000 years how would we impact the planet? Living to 1000 seems far fetched but if you look at this site they list 10 reasons why it is possible. The site makes a compelling argument and it seems logical. After I read it I got thinking about how we would impact the planet.

The obvious impact is overpopulation and resource scarcity. If we're all around for 1000 years that's a lot of food, water and "stuff". The positive is a long-term view on decisions. Politicians and policy makers work on election cycles and the impact of policies are not felt for a while. If politicians would live to see the consequences of their policy decisions we might see a few changes.

Just a little food for thought...


Kerry Ashwin said...

Makes sense to me.
Take a look at my blog "the league of common sense" for the proponents of common sense thinking in a age when political correctness disguises itself as stupidity.

David Goad said...

I wonder, if we lived to be 1000 would we even learn anything? Of course, technology would thrive. However, we would stumble over the same mistakes that human being have made since the beginning of our time. Is this the meaning? I fear us a doomed race. Generation death. Wars would prosper because the machine would operate for longer lengths of time with the same moguls at the controls. Hope? Maybe at the end of it all.

Cody said...

I think it would suck to live a 1000 years espially with the over population and the natural resources shortages.

Bobby D. said...

thanxfor the interesting link-- but living to 100 scares me... This post reminds me of the novel by Pete Hamill about the man who lives and lives and lives...

Anupama. said...

Hmmm....logic is fine, but we should not discount the fact that though we might score higher than nature (or assume to, anyway) in all subjects, there is one which we cannot top...Extinction. If nature decides that our time on earth is over, none of the nanotechnology or desire or medicines are going to stop it from wiping us off the face of the earth, leaving fossils which some future race will study. The more the medicines being invented, the more the new diseases being discovered, there is no denying that. There are many things which we cannot conquer, and at the way we have abused nature, I dont think she is too fond of us anymore. I hope for her own good she isnt.

robotslingshot said...

This scares me. We had the scientist on our radio show to talk about this project. I think it is another example of humans trying to hard to dominate nature instead of life with it. If we lived for a 1000 years, we would never do the things we love because we'd think we had all the time in the world. I prefer immediacy!
