Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fast Food Nation

A movie by that name is being released soon. I read the book a few years ago and was shocked and amazed at what I didn't know about fast food. The movie is a fictional adaptation of the book.

On a related note, a disgruntled employee who worked at a food additives company is threatening to release the secret recipes that he allegedly stole. You have to read it to believe it.

The disturbing part of this news story, and fast food in general, is that the food is modified with additives to make it more appealing. I'm not trying to lump fast food outlets with tobacco companies but it sounds similar. I'll be honest and say I don't know that much about how fast food is modified or how tobacco is made addictive but the principle seems the same in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

just watched Fast Food Nation, it's an impactful flick to say the least... earlier today i passed up a sausage mcmuffin because of it. Evidently it is worth passing up fast food for more than health reasons.

Toxic World Blog said...

I also watched it recently. You should read the book too as it goes into some of the details and stats behind the industry. I'm glad to hear you got the message. Everytime I walk by one of those places I can't help but wonder what is really in the food...