Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Peanut Butter Recall

Two brands of peanut butter have been recalled in the U.S. this week for salmonella contamination. I'm quite surprised and disturbed that salmonella would show up in peanut butter. When I heard there was a recall I thought it would be the no preservative type of peanut butter. I have not seen or ever purchased the brands recalled so I'm not sure what kind they are. With the abundance of news coverage it is getting hard to tell if we pay more attention to food recalls or the rate of contamination is increasing. Regardless, grocery stores and the food industry have put a huge gap between consumers and producers of food that nobody really thinks about where food comes from, how it's made or what is actually in it. Few people can grow everything for themselves and we have become accustomed to bananas, lettuce etc. all year long that it would be difficult to change how we eat. Food safety looks like it is becoming a serious problem in North America with no easy solution.

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