Thursday, December 07, 2006

Environmental Politics in Canada

I know I'm a little late on this but there have been several political developments in Canada that will likely impact environmental policy in Canada. A by election in an Ontario riding had the Green Party finish a strong second.

In addition to this, environmental issues are polling higher as a concern of Canadians.

Conservative inaction on the environment continues. Now that Dion has won the Liberal leadership he is expected to make the environment a top priority. The Liberal Party will likely make environmental policy a big part of their platform.

While you may be an avid supporter of a political party, particularly the Greens, it is likely that the Liberals will own this issue in the next election. The electorate will be faced with the age old choice of practical politics versus principle. Regardless of who wins, individuals need to be involved in their local communities to ensure that environmental concerns are addressed.

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