Monday, September 25, 2006

Toxins everywhere?!?!?!

We are exposed to so many chemicals on a daily basis. Many of them come from everyday products and we don't even know that they are there. Greenpeace has an excellent website that provides information on a vast array of products that may be contributing to your toxic exposure.

I realize that industrialization, mass production and economic development have provided a comfortable lifestyle for many of us in North America. I think we haven't realized the cost of our comfort. We may all pay with our lives for the convenience and comfort we have enjoyed. It is important for all of us to start paying more attention to the impact our purchasing decisions have on ourselves and the world around us rather than what Katie Couric is wearing or if "TomKat" and there baby will come out in public.

1 comment:

Girlie said...

This is so true, except that saving the world is not as fascinating at watching what the stars are up to.

Sad but true.