Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Smog City

Looking across Lake Ontario it is difficult to make out the city of Toronto through the brownish-yellow haze that blankets the horizon.

By now, most of us in the world are aware of this man-made monster called Smog and the effect it has on our health.

When are we going to stop polluting ourselves and our planet to death? Each one of us has to start treating this as our problem and not someone else's. I feel we need to look at the problem in a more personal context. Would you give a child rat poison? Obviously not. Then why would we poison them 50 years down the road if it is not okay now? You don't have to believe in Global Warming to know that the emissions from your tailpipe are not good for you. At least try to do the obvious things. Maybe not obvious but they have been pointed out for some time. Drive less and use public transit where possible. Keep your vehicle well tuned to reduce emissions and improve mileage. Avoid gas powered lawn maintenance equipment and substitute for electric or mechanical. Minimize electricity use by shutting off lights, using programmable thermostats, fluorescent light bulbs etc.

Try to personalize your contribution to smog and look for ways to reduce it. It will benefit us all now and in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


keep up the good work
It is great to connect with others who want to make the difference and we are the only ones who will.